Simulation game

GEFS is a game in which you fly a plane (but you have a big variety) and you can play multiplayer by logging in with Google (and without logging in, too). In my opinion I think it is the best online simulation game. This is what you need:

  • Google Earth plugin
  • a little simulation experience
  • and enter:

The game is made by a single developer and he’s not a Google worker.

A great book

I just started reading a book that I really like. It’s called “The name of this book is secret“. It’s written by Pseudonymous Bosch. It’s about two children, named Cassandra (Cass) and Max-Ernest.




The book contains:

  • two extraordinary adventures
  • a missing magician’s diary
  • a symphony of smells
  • a deadly secret

If you are curious, go and read this book. You won’t regret it, it was a New York Times bestseller.

Little Big Planet – PSP

I really like PSP games and I intend to post here a few reviews of the ones I like the most.


Little Big Planet it’s a game like Mario but it has 3 more features. These are : 3D graphics, Level editor and character customization. It’s worth buying and I think the age reccomandation is (in my opinion) 9+ for pretty good gamers and 11+ for new PSP gamers. It costs 40 RON in Romania (£9 approx). It’s an addictive and at times very difficult to play game (especially stage 4), but it’s entertaining all the same. I reccommend it wholeheartedly. It will keep you occupied for a long time.

Pictures from the game:








A Minecraft Story : James’s life

Minecraft : The story of James

It was a very nice day, and James was in Minecraft. He had many friends. He was pretty popular and his skin was very nice. A npc came and told him:  “Do you want an adventure?” James said : “Sure ! Where do I start? The npc pointed with the nose at the village of warriors. Then James understood that the adventure is about fighting and protecting. He was a little scared but the fighters told him not to be scared. That day he got the locotenent rank, not the best, but better than recruit. His friends were helping him fight zombies and other night creatures. Then the boss came: Herobrine. He said:

“Who kills me will become the monster’s king”. James fought him for hours and then Herobrine just surrendered.
“Why…..?” asked James. Herobrine lost all of its powers. And James got them.
“Everyone, stop fighting!” said James. I am the lord of monsters now ! All monsters said:
“Yay , we escaped the curse of Herobrine!”  And so James continued the life as the lord of monsters and protected villages with creepers and zombies.